Dress Code
Dress Code Policy
Below are the guidelines as laid out by the Carson City School District policy #0519.
Disregard for this policy will result in parents being contacted to bring a change of clothing, or students being sent home.
All student clothing must be appropriate for elementary aged students.
All students must wear hair and clothing neat and clean.
Students may not wear their hair in any manner which may cause a disruption of educational activities or endanger themselves, or any fellow students, in any school, class, or activity.
Students may not wear clothing, symbols, pins or other paraphernalia which are advertising controlled substances, displaying inappropriate words or pictures, gang related, or derogatory to any ethnic group or intended to cause disruption of any school, class or activity.
Hoods on sweatshirts will not be worn inside the school building.
Footwear, and shirts or tops and pants, skirts or dresses must be worn at all times.
Footwear needs to cover the toes at all times, no flip-flops, sandals, or shoes with open toes.
Clothing should be modest; students are not permitted to wear halter tops, bare midriffs, tube tops, cut-offs, see-through outfits, or undershirts as outer tops.
Shorts must measure 6 inches above the knee and no shorter (measure at the tips of finger tips when arms are hanging straight down the side).
Each site administrator will determine what constitutes disruption in accordance with the school Dress & Behavior Code.